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What do they do?

The Governing Body of Greystoke School consists of a group of people who are either elected by parents or school staff to be representative of them, nominated by the county Council or co-opted by the Governing Body to be representative of the community.  The Governing Body is responsible for the overall operation of the school and works closely with the headteacher who has day-to-day management responsibility. Greystoke School Governing Body has a number of legal responsibilities but the best description of a governor’s role is that of support for the head teacher in the performance of their functions and to offer constructive criticism. In a small school working relationships between governors and between governors and school staff are vitally important. At Greystoke School we are lucky to enjoy open, warm and respectful relationships which make the exercise of our responsibilities so enjoyable.


The Governing Body, in various forms, meets at least six times a year.  Minutes of all formal meetings are available for inspection at the school. To view the approved minutes please apply to the school’s Administrator at the School Office.


The Governing Body is always keen to make contact with anyone who can contribute to enhancing the development and management of the school, and whilst the constitution of the Governing Body is fixed, there are opportunities for those with specific skills to contribute as Associates. In the first instance please contact the Chair of Governors (Steph Hill) through the School Office.