Who are the governors?
At the time of publication (January 2025), the Governing Body comprises of the following:
- Steph Hill
Parent Governor
Term of office 4 years
27/11/22 - 26/11/26 - Jeanette Matthews
Head Teacher
Ex-officio - Gill Fawcett
Appointed by staff
Term of office 1 year
11/07/2024 - 10/07/25 - Dr. Dominic Rhodes MBE
Co-opted Governor
Term of office 4 years
27/09/22 - 26/09/26 - David Stones
Local Authority Governor
Term of office 4 years
19/01/23 - 18/01/27 - Carol Yerkess
Parent Governor
Appointed by parents
Term of office 4 years
30/11/23 - 29/11/27 - Chris Bewsher-Wilkinson
Co-opted Governor
Term of office 4 years
16/03/23 - 15/03/27 - Leslie ButlerCo-opted Governor
Term of office 4 years 23/01/25 -22/01/29
- Janet Addison
Clerk to the
Governing Body
Appointed by the
Governing Body - Emma Neil
Parent Governor
Term of Office 4 Years
25/01/24 - 24/01 /28
The governors also meet on at least six other occasions in the year to discuss together the running of the school.
Should you wish to contact a governor, please contact the school office at admin@greystoke.cumbria.sch.uk.
All Governors have the right to vote on each of their appointed committees.
At present no Governors are part of another Governing Body.
Governors who have served and are no longer a member of the Governing Body.
Frances Bousefield - Co-opted Term of Office 4Years 26.09.2019 - 25.09.2023 resignation received 17.09.2020
Aidan Warlow - Community Governor - Term of Office 4 Years - 27.09.2019 - 26.09.2023
Resignation received :19.05.2020
Amy Scott - Parent Governor (Vice Chair) Appointed by Parents Term of Office 4 Year 29.09.2021- 28.09.2023 resignation received December 2022
Ruth Topham - Parent Governor - Appointed by Governing Body - Term of Office - 4 Years 13.05.2021 - 12.05.2025 resignation received 06.07.2023
Matt Barton - Parent Governor - Appointed by Parents Term of Office - 4 Years 19.01.2023 - 18.01.2027 resignation received 25.01.2024
Marie Hamer - Local Authority Governor - Term of office - 4 years 19.01.2023 - 18.01.2027 resignation received 14.12.2024