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The children enjoyed a fantastic 2 day adventure, learning and applying the skills of bushcraft. The children began revisiting what is needed to make fires using their knowledge of the fire triangle, then using the fires they had built they bar-b-qued their lunch. "This is the most delicious burger I have had!" The children then designed tribe names and created flags to use to hang over the dens they had built. Both tribes ( The Camouflage Campers vs Nine Flying Squirrels) managed to build well camouflaged dens that withstood the sudden downpour of Storm Emma.
We then went on to camouflage and conceal ourselves and tried to apply stealth and silence to remain undetected in the forest. The evening was spent playing games, singing songs around the fire and toasting marshmallows. Today we learned the different parts of a bushcraft knife and used this knowledge to create a charcoal pencil then learned how paracord and whittled sticks can be used to create 4 different animal traps.
A very busy exciting adventure for us all.

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Topic Work

For our science we have looked at our beautiful wild nature in Greystoke. We have looked explored the area around us to see if we can discover different kinds of hidden or unexpected nature around our school. These were:
a plant in an unexpected place, a nature free zone,a pattern, the smallest sign of nature and something new to you.
The children photographed these elements and then wrote poetry which they arranged alongside their photographs.
Inspired by the natural wild around them they have created excellent science and English work.

Experiencing life as a Roman soldier was great fun! Using Housesteads Fort, we learned about how the Roman soldiers lived, trained and fought together. Rufus, our Roman centurion, taught us how to dress like a Roman cavalry soldier as well as an auxiliary soldier sharing with us the weaponry each would have bought, carried and looked after.
During the afternoon, we studied a mixture of real Roman artefacts and replicas trying to work out what they were, how they were used and who would have used them. This knowledge was put to good use when we were asked to solve a historical murder: using clues, the different Roman buildings and our new learning we were able to think of 2 possible stories which could lead to the solving of the historical Housestead murders.

Key Stage 2 children were extremely lucky today to get the opportunity to work with a clay artist, Rosalie Short. Having researched a range of different Roman soldiers, they drew a soldier of their choice and using this knowledge worked to bring their design to life in clay. Many thanks to Rosalie for sharing your expertise and giving everyone such an enjoyable day.

Evidence of Romans in our local area

Today the Key Stage 2 children began researching Roman roads, forts and camps in and around Penrith and Greystoke. Using an Ordnance Survey map, the children found Roman roads, forts, an aqueduct and camps. Focusing closely on our immediate local area,we marked on our map the Roman road which runs from Greenthwaite Hall. We then left school and followed the map to explore the area where the Romans once occupied. After discussing what life must have been like for the Romans ,who lived close to Greystoke, the children had the opportunity to chose an art medium and draw the landscape.

In Key Stage 2 Science we have been studying forces and friction. We started the afternoon investigating different materials which would either increase or decrease the friction exerted on a wooden block. The materials included; foam, sellotape, aluminium foil and sandpaper. Ensuring we started with a balanced force we tested the different surfaces and their impact on friction. We then carried out further experiments and attempted to use the friction of a fire steel to create sparks to make fire. After considering that fire needs heat, fuel and oxygen we created a fire triangle with cotton wool, dry twigs of varying sizes and dry leaves. We had mixed success however everyone managed to create enough sparks from the fire steels to light the cotton wool and some small twigs and sticks.

Today we have begun our work on programming using the STEM Lego project. We discussed the science, technology ,engineering and maths we would be using to build and programme different robots. We followed instructions to build a flashing beetle, motorised windmill and then a robot that could indicate movement through a sensor.Finally we created our own Lego animal which had to include one of the programmable features we had practised.

We worked on designing and building fixed pieces of play equipment that we could find in the park or yard. Discussing and sharing our designs with others helped us to refine our creations. We then built a satellite and experimenting with the coding stream enabled us to change sound, lights, direction and movement. Next we are looking forward to creating a spy robot.

Working through the different STEM challenges of the Space Challenge, in collaboration with the RAF Youth Stem gave us many excellent opportunities to share ideas, communicate, design, build and test 3 different rockets. The children listened carefully to the theory behind what a rocket is and the key elements we would be focusing on today; payload, fuselage, fins and booster. We recapped our knowledge of forces and experimented with different levels of thrust that we could apply. We watched the animations about how gravity is a long enduring force ( which is relatively weak) and what we can do to escape it. The question: why bother going to space? facilitated lots of theories and suggestions and we learned about the incredible innovations that we use day to day as a result of space travel ( memory foam, cochlea implants, camera phones to name a few).
Children set about designing their 3 rockets thinking about how to reduce drag through the nose cones ( parabolic, conic and bi-conic) to the fins which add stability. Using their designs the children went on to build and test their rockets using joining and strengthening methods to ensure rockets that would withstand at least 3 individual flights each.
The children measured the angle trajectory (45 degrees) and measured both the flight times and the flight distances. They then had to work out the average distance, time and speed to see which rocket design proved to be the most effective.
The children then moved onto understanding how the RAF tries to ensure sustainability and care for our climate through finding innovative ways to reduce , reuse and recycle. We looked at many different aircrafts to find out common features and then began to design a plane or glider or drone- any kind of aircraft really- which could become a sustainable aircraft of the future. The children had to think about their design-what makes it special? what makes it sustainable? what is it made of? and who would use it? Children have had to describe parts of their ideas and explain what each part if for through labels or sentences.

Following on from our practical investigations into energy and its role in food chains, we took our learning outside to the River Petteril which runs through Greystoke Castle grounds. Our intention was to locate; a producer (plant), a primary consumer and if at all possible, secondary and tertiary consumers. We completed our pond dipping in groups and were fortunate to find a variety of invertebrates including mayflies nymphs, stonefly nymphs, caddisfly larvae and some freshwater shrimps which proves the river is very very clean with little or no pollution.

We carried on with our STEM work this afternoon. Firstly we investigated different habitats ranging from mountains and woodlands to The Arctic and deserts and then discussed what different life forms would live there, looking at the different ways certain creatures have adapted to their specific habitats. It was then time to build our own habitats in class; a worm world, a ladybird world and an ant world. Each habitat had to be built using a specific set of instructions which we followed whilst working in groups. Once completed we headed out to Greystoke Castle to try and locate some inhabitants. We had mixed success, with one group being able to find a number or worms however ladybirds and ants proved to be elusive. The ladybird group did manage to find some aphids which are required for their ladybird world. We will continue our search over the next week to complete our habitats and start our observations of three different creatures. In the meantime, we will all be participating in ‘worm watch’.
Before leaving the castle grounds this afternoon we made sure to check on our toad abodes from last week. All seemed well although no toads or frogs appear to have taken up residence ... yet.

Key Stage Two began the afternoon by turning the blackberries we picked previously into paint. Then we ventured up into the forest to identify different trees from their leaves using a classification chart. From the leaves collected, we painted (upon canvas) the outlines and began to scuplt with them to create our leaf bowls. The colours of autumn were absolutely beautiful.

The children in Key Stage Two had a very busy afternoon investigating different habitats. We chose four different habitats and studied the different conditions as well as predicting what creatures may live there. We collected data to show which organisms did live there and talked about why they were suited to that particular habitat. Choosing our favourite creature we then began to sculpt them out of willow.

The children in Key Stage Two had a a wonderful afternoon on our first science session up at 'Welly Wednesday' Camp.
We explored different plants and trees and went on to identify the different leaf shapes and arrangements as well as collecting different types of leaves to create a woven leaf frame. There were lots of beautiful oak tree leaves complete with tiny acorns. Next week, we are looking forward to investigating different habitats and the creatures that live there.