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All of our girls took part in "Biggest ever Football Session" This is a national event to celebrate girl's football. All the girls from nursery right through to year 6 took part in the intra-school tournament getting stuck in, lots of fantastic sportsmanship from everyone involved. #letgirlsplayfootball

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 Year 3 and 4 had a fantastic morning at ullswater community college , taking part in multi sports. They participated in a variety of activities from gymnastics, dancing, trampolining through to team sports such as football and netball. They all tried really hard some of them pushing themselves out of their comfort zone, trying to do a backwards walkover. All the sports students at Ullswater community college helped, supported and encouraged all the students to succeed at all the activities. A great morning had by all.

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What a fantastic morning key stage 2 have had at Harraby 3G competing in the EFL Utilita Cup! All the children showed great resilience and the smiles on their faces reflected their enjoyment! Other schools commented on how positive and smiley the children were throughout the whole tournament. We saw some fantastic saves from both keepers and some individuals stood out for their commitment to their team.

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The children in Key Stage Two had a very enjoyable afternoon at the annual Rounders Competition at Penruddock. The children were split into two teams and played against other schools from our local cluster. There was some incredible fielding, hitting and rounders scored across both teams and the competition. Both teams played really well showing great teamwork, resilience and competitiveness :the confidence and skills of the children developed across the range of games played. 

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A fantastic morning has been had by all even the rain didn't dampen the excitement of all the children. Thank-you to all the schools that joined us for our Key Stage 1 football tournament. Well done Stainton CofE Primary School for taking away the cup. All the children showed great resilience, fair play and a sense of sportmanship.

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What a fantastic day (February 29th 2024) had by all at Eden rock climbing competition.

The children have been so well behaved and listened to all the instructions before completing their 20 climbing challenges, every one of them showed great perseverance and determination.

They were a credit to the school and parents.

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Carlisle United Football Club Tournament : Wednesday 24th May 2023

What a brilliant day the girls had today at Brunton Park, home to Carlisle United Football Club. They had the opportunity to join with a range of different primary schools, mainly from Carlisle, to play five games of football. It was great to see their confidence grow with each match and they were an absolute credit to our school. Our girls ranged from year 2 upwards and they played every match against year 5 and 6 girls. Mrs Watson and Mrs Brolly were incredibly proud of their sportsmanship, behaviour and attitude throughout. Very well done girls!

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We had another fanstic day at Brunton park with the boys' football team. They played five incredibly tough matches and were delighted to win their final game. Well done to all the boys who were brilliant ambasadors for Greystoke and many thanks to Carlisle United Football Club for another amazing day.

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Skelton 7s Tournament: Thursday 23rd March

Well done to our football team who represented our school at the Skelton Sevens Tournament. The children worked really hard showing a fantastic sense of team-work: it was very encouraging to see the children take control of their own game, talking amongst themselves and deciding on team tactics and strategies. There were lots of examples of fantastic goal-keeping, strong tackling and excellent defending. The children won two games and were a credit to our school with their team spirit.

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On Wednesday 25th May, nine of our Key Stage Two children represented Greystoke at the long awaited Penruddock rounders’ tournament. They played brilliantly as a team and successfully made it to the semi final. Unfortunately that’s where their winning streak ended and they lost a fiercely contested match to Skelton. Many  congratulationsto all the players, who were a credit to our school and thanks to Penruddock School for organising the tournament and to the students from Keswick School who umpired and scored the matches. 

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The children are enjoying their weekly cheerleading sessions and are developing their core strength to be able to hold themselves in a lift, and jump correctly. After the initial warm up and stretching the children began working on trusting a partner. Trust in vital in cheerleading because you rely on your team mates to hold, carry and support you. The children took turns to take part in trust falls. The children were apprehensive to begin with but soon trusted their partner. They then had the opportunity to practise their lifts, with the support of the coaches. The children had so much fun! 

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Thursday afternoon, 24th March 2022, saw the welcome return of the Skelton 7s football tournament. Our school was ably represented by a team featuring children from Year 3 to Year 6. All children played brilliantly and I am delighted to say that we drew three matches and won one match, only conceding one goal in the four matches played. Everyone was an excellent ambassador for Greystoke School and we all thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, participating in and watching excellent games of football. Many thanks to Skelton School for organising the event and to Mrs Scott, our PE governor, for providing transport and support for our footballers.

Swimming Week 2021-
This week all of the children throughout school have been working on their swimming skills and having fun making a splash at Greystoke Swimming Pool. It has been wonderful to already see so much progress from the children of different ages and stages. The children have been building on a range of skills and on their confidence in the water. They have all been so proud to improve their diverse abilities and we have even observed some children wave goodbye to armbands- wow! The children have all done brilliantly and we look forward to the final sessions of swimming tomorrow. A huge well done to everyone and thank you to our coach Charlotte Roy.
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We have all been working extremely hard to practice our Athletics before Sports Day on the 16th June.

This has included, Sprints, Long Distance, Potato Race, Egg and Spoon, Relay and many more.

All the children are really excited for Sports Day and have been training hard to win points for their team. 

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In cricket we have been working on all aspects of the game, including, throwing, catching, batting and bowling. Every week we have been training hard to master our techniques and improve on them every week.

Recently we have been working on hitting the cricket ball off a tee, this helps us to focus on a stationary ball before moving on to a moving ball.  

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In our weekly football sessions we have continued working on our agility by running in and out of the ladders, jumping over hurdles and weaving in and out of poles.

As well as doing this we also have been practicing our passing through cones, this has enabled us to make trickier passes as we have become more confident with how to pass the ball, over both short and long distance.  

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Sports Day

A fantastic afternoon was had by all who attended this years annual sports day. The Red Squirrels lead the tables for the majority of the afternoon and won the overall house trophy. Children from age 3-11 took part in a variety of races and parents also joined the fun, enjoying; sprint, javelin, ball between bodies and the hot potato race!